Spotlight on cancer services
We are delighted to have our doors open again and be able to offer a full range of treatment
services albeit at a reduced capacity but at least its progress from where we were this time last
The roll out of the vaccine has been tremendous and many of our staff have enrolled to facilitate
distributing the vaccine to our local community. I still am impressed by how resilient and quickly we
deal with adversity as a nation when we are faced with it. Another source of adversity that we
continue to face is the continuing prevalence of a variety of cancers. Some of these are
Cancer is a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably.
The cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs.
Finding cancer early means that it can be easier to treat. Aneurin Bevan health board have a
website that gives full details on signs and symptoms of cancer and what to do if you have any
As a dental team, we routinely look out for any signs of mouth cancer when you attend for your
check up but a few warning signs that you should look out for are
✦ a single lesion present for more than 2 weeks
✦ non smooth surface
✦ red/white colour
✦ firm to touch
✦ painless
You may be aware from previous posts that smoking and especially the combination of smoking
and alcohol consumption can increase your risk of mouth cancer. In Wales we have a completely
free service called “helpmequit” and this is a dedicated team of experts who can assist you in
managing to give up smoking and decrease your risk of developing mouth cancer.
Please use the link below to access their specialist free service or call the practice so that we can
directly refer you to them and you can begin your journey towards a smoke free future.
Another important health message that I would like to share with you is the risk of developing
cancer through human papilloma virus. This can affect a number of regions of the body including
the mouth and a vaccine has been developed to protect and prevent this virus causing cancerous
changes to the body. It is offered routinely to all children in years 7 and 8 (age 12-14)and we
would fully support the uptake of this vaccine to this age group.
For more information please visit
Another less common cancer that we keep an eye out for is melanoma or skin cancer. Getting
sunburnt just once every two years can triple your risk of melanoma skin cancer. During your
dental check up, we examine the lips and face for signs of skin changes. So whether you are
working on your “Treharris Tan” or soaking up the “Rhondda Rays” do remember to help
yourselves by applying high factor suncream to your lips and face and wear a broad rim or peaked
I hope this information is helpful to you and a reminder of what we can all do to reduce our risk to
ourselves and our families.
Clare O’Shea