Sadly we continue to remain in a high amber stage of the pandemic so are still operating from behind a closed door but wanted to reassure you all that we are still here and open to help you with any problems you might have.
We are aware that many of you would like to attend for your regular checkups but due to current restrictions and in line with welsh government advise, we are unable to offer routine care at this time. Should you have any problems, please pick up the telephone or drop us an email and we will be in touch to arrange a face to face visit for you. Should you be shielding, please also contact us so we can try to assist with any dental problems that you might have.
What you can do to help yourselves at this time
1-Avoid the wall of temptation!!
The key message for dental decay prevention is to avoid sugary snacking. Every supermarket I go into has a wall of tubs of Christmas chocolates and Halloween sweets and it’s still only September!!
Although these might be tempting- resist!! Don’t buy them now as you will end up snacking on them and then buying more therefore increasing your chances of decay or pulling a filling out.
2- Spit! Don’t rinse!!
Fluoride can help to remineralizer enamel and therefore has a protective factor for our teeth. We recommend that you use fluoride toothpaste twice daily and that you brush the toothpaste over your teeth for 2 minutes. We would then advise you to “spit- don’t rinse!!’
If you were to then rinse your mouth, you would wash off the toothpaste therefore reducing its protective function. This is particularly beneficial for those of you who suffer with sensitive teeth. Sensitive toothpastes help to block any sensitive parts of the teeth. Try it yourself- usually after a couple of days of adopting this method, the sensitivity reduces- you can even rub it in like an ointment.
Many are now working from home so use this time to care for the space between your teeth too. If you think of your teeth as being little blocks of Lego, if you only brush the tops and the sides i.e. the biting surface and the front and reverse side, then you are failing to brush approximately 25% of the tooth surface. Tepe brushes and flossing help to clean these hidden surfaces therefore removing bacteria from these surfaces too. Try it- you will be surprised how good your mouth feels
3- Contact Help Quit wales
There is never an ideal time to give up smoking so why not give it a go? Smoking hugely increases your chances of developing mouth cancer especially when combined with drinking alcohol. Why not contact help me quit wales for help or drop us a line for us to directly refer you for their expert help. This is a free service in Wales, and if you consider other help groups e.g. weight watchers etc. Success rates tend to be higher when expert help has been sought.
4- Mask up
Follow guidelines on how to protect yourselves and others by following simple instructions
wash your hands – keep washing your hands regularly.
cover your face- wear a face covering in enclosed spaces.
make space- stay at least 2m apart or 1 m